Exclamation London Plane Tree – Field2home.com

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Exclamation London Plane Tree
Exclamation London Plane Tree

Exclamation London Plane Tree

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Platanus acerifolia 'Morton circle'
Features and Where to use
This is a great tree if you have a larger lot or country property. Rich green leaves and a strong 'leader', which is the branch that grows up the highest in the middle of the plant. That is good because trees with good leader usually fair better against storm damage. Now the cool part, if you look at the one picture of the stem, as the tree ages you will see what's called 'Mottled' bark, meaning patches of different colours/shades. It gives a 'Camo' pattern look so it will fit in with your hunting buddies nicely. 
Growth Details
Cold Hardiness - Hardy in temperatures down to -30C.  Sizing - This type of tree will get to be 50' tall and 35-40' wide in 50 years.  Location - Full sun to 75% shade, moist to dry conditions, wind hardy.