Eastern Red Cedar – Field2home.com

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Eastern Red Cedar
Eastern Red Cedar

Eastern Red Cedar

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Juniperus virginiana
Features and Where to use
Super tough native evergreen.  Despite it's common name, it's actually in the Juniper Family.  It grows in an upright form and can endure some of the toughest situations our weather system can throw at it.  Deep green coloured, with small blue berries, and a little prickly to the touch.  Foliage turns bronzy in the winter.  A natural habitat and food source for Canadian wildlife.
Growth Details
Cold Hardiness - Zone 3
Sizing - It's mature height is in the 16-20' tall range, and width of about 6-9'.
Location - Full sun, good wind tolerance, prefers well drained soil, average to dry soil conditions.  Can be used as hedging instead of cedars.