Janed Gold Cedar – Field2home.com

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Janed Gold Cedar, Thuja occidentalis 'Janed Gold', golden foliage.  For sale at field2home.com online garden center in NIagara.
Janed Gold Cedar, Thuja occidentalis 'Janed Gold', golden foliage showing tree shape.  For sale at field2home.com online garden center in NIagara.

Janed Gold Cedar

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Thuja occidentalis 'Janed Gold'
Features and Where to use
The bright yellow colour on this plant is real and rich! It is toned by green which helps the yellow pop. It grows in your classic pointy Christmas tree shape, and is ideal in a planter or out front of the house.
Growth Details
Cold Hardiness - good to go all the way down to -34C.
Sizing - Can grow up to 10' in 15 years with a base of 4', trimming can keep it half that size. Location - Full sun to half shade, wind hardy but the harshest winter winds will burn the tips a little, moist but not wet soil is best.