Features and Where to use
Simplicity. Really. This one is an answer to many questions people ask for in a shrub. "Hey, how are you? Good, well I am looking for a small tree that stays green all year, we don't have to trim, has a nice shape and doesn't grow any bigger than 6 or 7 feet tall, do you have anything like that?". The Alberta Spruce says 'yes' and drops the mic....This one can also be used in containers and be shaped into a topiary focal point.
Growth Details
Cold Hardiness - Will survive in winter temperatures down to -34C.
Sizing - It's mature height is in the 6-8' tall range, and width at the base is 3-4'.
Location - Full sun to 25% shade, can tolerate wind but best planted in a spot that won't feel the brunt of Winter's fury, also prefers the middle ground of moisture content in soil.